Pre-Presse Conference - May 11, 1960



This was the week after the U-2 incident and someof the preparatory
material had gone on with the Secretary of State and a very few others.

When I came into the room Jim Hagerty was mentioning a few related
questions that might come up: Mr. Khrushchev's warning that he

would send rockets to our allied nations; statement by the Department
of State that the United States would of course live up to commitments

to our allies; how the incident will affect the Summit; the report given

out over the weekend (apparently not true) that the President had given

orders to ground all flights near Russia.

Bob Donovan will ask a question about the Vice President going to the
Summit, if the President is called back, and the President will then

clarify statement that if he has to come back to the United States for
a couple of days, he will return to Europe if there seems to be
reasonable progress to make such a return hopeful.

The President was reminded that Mr. Khrushchev had said recently
that the Vice President was a man you could not trust to keep the
world :peace.-. In this connection, the President may say, ''Mr.
Khrushchev has not asked me what I think of any people in the Soviet
Union. "

Underground nuclear testing statement.

The statement issued last

Saturday has produced some confusion; the President will clarify.
Any nuclear tests will be carried on under the aegis of the three
nations, United States, USSR and Great Britain. Negotiations still
going on in Geneva.


If asked about seeing Syngman Rhee, the President will say



that he would like to see Mr. Rhee if the present governmentofficials
approve and if the opportunity presents itself.
General Persons
questioned the statement about ''present government officials" but
the President said he never would see anyone such as Khee unless
the government in power approved.


Russian trip. The President will say he etill plans to go. He reminded us what Mr. Khrushchev had said, however, when he was
here to the effect that the reception the President would get would
depend upon whether he, Mr. K., ''winked an eye."'



ds CZ


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