caxtetde of the testing area, the detonations are act expected to add
encugh radioactive aeterial to natural levels of radieuctivity in the ocesn
to de baraful to marine Life. Sapertence shows that outside the testing
area, remulting quantities of raiieactivity in edible ere foods wil remit
im exyowsrns which vill be very ematl conpared with the Malte far public
expveure recomended ty the United States Satiunal Comittee for Eadiation
Protection end Measurenmt.
ae in the past there wild be a program: of stady to explore the ultiants

deatiantion sad behavicr of radioactivity in the sea water snd in mario:
argenime. weeps vy U. 3. Mery Veesels both during and after the test
seria Will taciude such measures as taking continues rondtings of radic-

activity in surface water, sempling of water at various deptts, asking tovs
to gather plankton -- the tiny wartne ongestane which tead to concentyate
radioactive materials in theiy tisques ~~ and catehing af fish for analynia
for redicactivity.
Im adiition to these trvestiqetians, land en4 series bislogics) sur-

veys again will be conducted at Iniwetek and Mrind ané other atalls acarsy.
Samples of water and sf plots emt entuels Living in the lsgooms and cn the
weets and islands of the atolls will be eniiected and analysed for rutic-



Select target paragraph3