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Soticns have veen gives the videst possibile distridation Ghreugh zarin,
eavietion and interaational orgenizetions.
pegalay oir and sea searches of the area will be vonducted in advances

of the stent of operations.

Sefore ench stot, the patrol cf the dasger area

wilh be intensified, particularly in the aves where fallout is forecast,

The Atomie Energy Comuission kas issued regulations which proninit satry
imte tee danger aren of U. &. citizens and ali ether perpous subjeat ta tha

durtetiction of the Usited States, ita territories and pousesetons.

‘The regulations effeative from April 11, 1956 until the BARDTACT test
series in completed prohivit extry, attemyted eutry cr ecumgiracy to canter

the denger ares.

Radiological safety personnel, equipped with radiation detection
snd weeguring instrasents and two-way redics to enable then to cormumicate

With the central Task Force Radiologionl Safety offios, will da stationed
on wearey inhabited atalls, and ot weather stations of the weather report~

ing sotwork. In the walikely evert of significant fallout in an inhabitec
ares, the soniters vould wan the inhabitants end atvise ami asaict thes in
practitioners ad health aiain baste energency sesauree.


Select target paragraph3