
Weather recesmaissance will be carried on employing aircraft,

ships, baHioms‘end rockets.
Research hes ween conducted in the special field of tropical metecralogy,
aod weather observers end forecasters have been instracted in the latest sethods

of forecasting which have been developed as a reeult of these studies.
Trained persansel have been orgmtised inte a fallout prediction wit. To
evaist in predicting fallout patterns they will atilise fallout computers which

machenise moat of the mathematical proceduves involved. Use af the computers
Will make possible reqid forecasts.

Models of the elouis produced by previous

large-scale melear detenations have been developed, and these aleo are expected

to improve fallout predictions.

The denger area in generality rectengaiar in shape apd comprises roughly
390,000 square ueutical miles.

It is approximately the same sine a0 the area

weed in the 1956 test series, tub ite east end west boundaries have been shifted

approximately 120 nautical alles to the weet.

Except far the test pergounel,

there are no inhabitants within the ares.

All ships, aircraft and yersomel] have teen ceutioned ta remain clear of the
axes which is bounded by a line Soining-the following geographic ccortinates:




18 30° 4.,

156° oo' x.

1 yw’ EL,
1° yo#.,

x70? Got 5.
x7a* oot £.

11° OT BL,

166" 16°B,

1c? 15°,

166" 16°B.

10° 15* #.,

156" Go" EL


Select target paragraph3