The initial deposition of the alkaline earth elements
within hours after injection is similar to that of the
bone-surface-seekers. Tracer leaving the blood rapidly
transfers to all bone surfaces near blood vessels. This
phenomenon has recently been investigated by Rowland? using Ca in adult dogs and rabbits.
It is important to emphasize the difference between
bone surface and bone crystal surface. From in vitro
experiments with bone crystals in water one learns that
the initial uptake of “Ca in vitro is by exchange with
the calcium atoms at the surfaces of bone crystals.
However, this is nof an adequate description of what
happens in vivo, although it is often so stated in the
literature. In vivo, only the bone crystals which lie at
bone surfaces take any part in the short-term exchange
of calcium. These crystals at bone surfaces constitute
only about 0.1% of all the bone erystals m the body.
The rest (99.9%) are buried within the organic matrix
with very little water so that it takes a considerable
time for “Ca to reach them bydiffusion from the blood
(fromdaysfor the erystals nearest canaliculi to perhaps
years for those furthest removed“), The bone surfaces involved in this early exchange are the endosteal
and periosteal surfaces of cortical bone, the walls of
haversian and volkmann canals, and the surfaces of
trabeculae. Bone surface exchange must, therefore, be
earefully evaluated (particularly for isotopes such as
“Ra which have a short half-life) because the cells
lining bone surfaces appear to be a prime target for
Our information about this component of skeletal
metabolism comes from two sources: Rowland’s experiments on dogs and rabbits with Ca, and alkaline

earth kinetics for times shortly after injection. Rowland

found by quantitative autoradiography and_ blood
curve analysis that the amount of calcium involved in
the exchange at bone surfaces was equivalent to that
which lies within 2000 A of each bonesurface. The same
depth was determined for dogs and rabbits. Whether all
crystal calcium within 2000 A of each bone surface is
involved or only the calcium at erystal surfaces within a
depth of 10,000 A (1 micron) of each bone surface cannot be determined from the autoradiographs. However,
the total amount of calcium involved is about 0.1%
of the bodycalcium (this follows from the figure 2000 A
times the surface-to-volume ratio for the human skeleton, 42 em?/cem*, measured by Lloyd).
The difference between the exchange in dogs and
rabbits is a question of time scale: the exchangeable
45Ca activity reached a maximum in dogs about 15 hr
after injection, while that in rabbits reached a maxi-

mum about 2 hr after injection. If the modifier
function model, R = é(t + 6), is fitted to Ro
data for plasmaspecific activity, the value of ¢

rabbits is 1.6 hr and that for the dogs is 12 hr.

analysis of the power function model“ showec
is equal to £/Ao and hence to the turnover tin
initial pool. This relation, together with the corr
ence between the value of « and the time of m:
exchangeable activity in the dogs and rabbits, that the power function parameter ¢ 1s very |
associated with the time of maximum tracer up
bone surfaces. We would like more data on th:
particularly in man, but it seems reasonable tu
ate the best estimates of the e-values for the ;
earths in adult man (0.18 day for radium, 0.26
strontium, and 2.5 days for calcium) with the
maximum activity at bone surfaces due to excha:
Thesize of this initial pool by kinetics of the «
earths in dogs and manis about Hy = 0.25%e, °
is body calcium. This is somewhat larger tha:
land’s measurement, of the size of the bone surfac
The difference is probably due to the fact that
the initial pool of caleium is located in soft
Heaney“! estimates that 60of the short-te
cium pool in man is soft tissue, which fits Ro
measurement and the kinetic measurement vel
The exact behavior of the heavier alkaline earth:
surface exchange is still a matter for con]
Ellsasser’s“3? measurements of barium uptake
dog indicate that at least up to about a wee
injection barrum and radium maybe prefer
deposited on bone surfaces by a factor of two c
over calcium. This needs further investigation.
If we assume that Rowland’s figure of 20(
applicable to all the alkaline earths in man, tl
can use the area rule [2(a), (b), (¢)] to caleul:
dose to bone surfaces due to this short-term exc
In a steady state system with no discriminat
tween blood and bone, the continuous introduc
activity into the blood at a constant rate woul
produce equality between the specific activi.
plasma and the caleium in the exchangeable
bone surfaces. Therefore, after a single injecti
time integral of the plasma specific activity S a
pool specifie activity V from the time of inject
timeinfinity are equal:

[ vat= | Sat = q/nk,


in which the third quantity, ¢/nk, follows from «
sion (19). The dose accumulated at the bone -

due to this exchangeable activity is then direc
lated to the number of microcurie-days per em” o

Select target paragraph3