the cortex which determines the time constant of the

final exponential of the system as a whole. (See sec-

tion on justification for equating the final exponential
rate constant A in the retention function with the rate
of apposition-resorptionin cortical bone.)

(c) Sections 2(c), 3(b) and £(b) can now be combined

to relate the final exponential of the modified power
function or multi-exponential model directly with the
rate of apposition-resorption in cortical bone.

(i) Finally, having determined the tracer u
trabeculae, the tracer uptake in the cortex is de
by the requirement that the total tracer upta
equal that for the body as a whole with w
calculation was started.
(j) The effect of soft tissue uptakeis still to
5. Results

(d) A corollary to 4(c) is that the retention curves

This new bone model provides a solution for
outstanding problems in the literature:

tial. This is a reasonable possibility in view of exist-

bone turnover (a few percent/year) measured

of all the alkaline earth elements in adult man must
have the same time constant for their final exponening data. This time constant must also agree with the
best estimates of cortiéal turnover in man by the
method of tetracycline labeling.
(e) Nowthe turnover rates \ and od determine the
amount of new bone that is heing formed in the cortex
and in trabeculae at the time of tracer intake. Therefore, they determine the amount of activity in intense
hotspots. The distribution of this activity among
osteons growing at different rates is treated in the
section on detailed uptakein osteons.
(f) If we assume that the rates of turnover have been
constant and that the remodeling has been random as
to location in each kind of bone, then \ and od determine the distribution of bone ages within the cortex
and the trabeculae, respectively. Knowing these distributions one can calculate the augmentation rate for
cortex and trabeculae (see the section on age distribution of augmentation rates). Knowing both the augmentation rates and the apposition rates, one can then
add them to obtain the addition rates or A-values for
cortical and trabecular bone and for the skeleton as a

whole. These A-values determine the tracer uptake;
they must agree with direct measurements of A-values
by kinetic studies.

(g) The relative uptake of tracer in cortical and

trabecular bone is also determined by the area requirement for age-invariant systems [2(a)]: the area

under the trabecular curve of specific activity must
equal the area under the cortical curve. The final ex-

ponential for trabeculae has already been specified to

be o times that for cortex (and body). Therefore, with

a retention function of the type

e'(t + €)%e-™


the area requirement determines the relative uptake in
trabeculae as compared to cortex once o has been
agreed upon.
(h) Sections (f) and (g) give independent values for
the ratio of tracer uptake in trabeculae as compared to

cortex. They must agree for the macroscopic model to

be consistent with the microscopie model.

(a) It shows that one can reconcile the low

eycline labeling with the high rate of long-term
uptake (15%/year) measured bycalcium kinet

difference between the two rates is shown by th
to be produced both bythe diffuse component

a wide distribution of augmentational hotsp:

uptake of activity in fully calcified regions :
which are—due to remodeling—much young
the skeleton as a whole.
(b) It shows that the measurements of “‘bo:

over’ from Sr uptake in fallout-labeled s!

are much lower than calcium kinetic measu.
because the latter are calculated only about fr
after injection, whereas the fallout measui
pertain to an average residence time of sever:
after intake in a system for which the appare
dence time increases with the period of the o
(c) The model demonstrates that it is pos+
construct a system which is age-invariant in res
measurements of the whole-body retention of
jected tracer in spite of the fact that the ind
microscopic bone volumes are not age-invario
cause their local rates of augmentation and dim
decrease as bone ages. The rates of resorptu
apposition in the adult human skeleton, howev
just sufficient to keep creating enough new b
maintain the rates of augmentation and dim
in the skeleton as a whole at constant levels thro:
most of adult life (see Figure 52). The model is,

fore, macroscopically steady state but microsco

The osteoblasts and osteoclasts, through the:
tinuous production of new bone, produce a home
in the calcium metabolism of the skeletal syste:
whole, in spite of the aging of the individual u
bone of which it is made.

(d) The modelfinally explains howit is poss!

have a very lowratio of the diffuse to uniform
and at the same time to have more than half
kinetic A-value produced by the process of diffu:
existing, fully-mineralized bone. We recogniz

Select target paragraph3