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H. F. Lucas, Jr., D. N. Edgington, and Frank Markun
The *”Th concentration in rib bone from 38 humans ranged
from <0.1 to 72 ng/g ash. Values increased with age and were
fitted by the expression
Y = (0.16 + 0.02)7,
where Y is the ’Th concentration in ng/g bone ash and T is
the age in years. Evaluation of retention of the “Ra produced
by decay of *“Th is not feasible because direet intake of naturally-occurring **Rais too large.

The measurement of thorium in normal, non-in-

dustrially exposed humans is required for the evaluation of its radiological hazard. Studies with dogs

have shown that the ***Ra daughter of *“8Th is es-

sentially completely retained by bone. If one as-

sumes that 228Ra produced by the decay of 232Th is

similarly retained, then the radiation dose to the bone

would be higher than that previously assumed. In
addition, the metabolism of thorium under natural
environmental conditions is needed for the evaluation
of its toxicity. Edgington has reviewed present knowledge and finds many questions unanswered.’) The

reactor for 24 hr at a flux of about 2 x 10*
sec, and then allowed to cool for about 7 days.

The samples and standards were washe
the quartz irradiation tubes with about 9 ml
HCl. Less than 1% of the *38Pa activation
remained in the vial. Four sets of duplicate t

standards were run, and the average deviatio
the mean of each set ranged from 2.7 to 4.7% \

average of 3.6%. The reproducibility of the stz
was acceptable and indicates that the neutr
was quite uniform.
The bone samples were dissolved in 10 ml
HC! te which several drops of 30% hydrogen

ide and 0.1g aluminum nitrate were added.

reagents reduce chromium to its trivalent sta
complex any fluoride ion present in the sampl:

solution was heated for several minutes in a
water bath to insure complete dissolution of th:

ple. The sample was then transferred to a colt
Dowex 1-X8 anion exchange resin (100 mesh),
in diameter by 35 cm long. The2°*Pa activation

uct of 73°Th is quantitatively retained on the c

purpose of this study was to determine the concentration of thorium in samples of human bone taken

under these conditions.


were collected directly in counting tubes. Ap
mately 90% of the ?33Pa was obtained in the s.

at surgery or autopsy.

The samples were obtained through the interest

and courtesy of many physicians as part of a survey

of the natural radium content of human bone. All
samples selected for this study were rib bone and
were obtained at the time of either surgery or autopsy.
The residence, age, sex, and occupation of each patient was recorded in almost all cases. On receipt at

Argonne National Laboratory, these samples had been
scraped to remove soft tissue, dried at 110° C, and
stored at —10° C until prepared for thorium assay.

All samples were ashed for 16 hr at 600°C in
quartz crucibles. Weighed aliquots were transferred
to 10-mm OD xX 10-cm-long quartz tubes.* These

Cations and weakly bound anions are elutec
90m] 9’4f HC!L.® The 733Pa was then elutec
four 10-ml1 portions of 4M HCl 03M HF,

and third fractions. The amount of *3%Pa in bot

samples and the standards was determined by c
ing with a 4” x 2” Nal (TI) crystal, an ND-120

tichannel analyzer, and an iterative least sq

computational method. 5) This method has
found to be very sensitive and is not affected b

small amounts of other radionuclides present 1
sample.**) The amount and concentration
determined from the ratio of decay-corrected cc
ing rates of °°%Pa in the sample to that in the st
ards. The standard deviation of the result is d
mined by the standard method from the cow

tubes were sealed with a crushed aluminum foil plug.
Thorium standards (5.5 4g) were aliquoted into the
quartz tubes, evaporated to dryness under a heat
lamp, and sealed in the same manner as the bone
samples. Four bone samples plus standards were com-

statistics and the deviation between duplicate st:

* “Spectrasil,” Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Montville, New Jersey.

est value was observed in bone from an indivi:

bined in a single irradiation can. All samples were
irradiated in the isotope tray of the Argonne CP-5


The 7°°Th concentration in bone from 38 indi
uals is summarized in Table 22. The concentra

ranges from <0.1 to 72 ng/g ash. However, the h

who had a 40-year occupational exposure to th

Select target paragraph3