cases would be to compare 7p with yy at a somewhat

different value of the excitation energy, but in other

cases, it may be more plausible that 6) ¥ 64 . Of course,
whenever 6p ¥ dy , Figure 17 is not applicable, and the
(ap/tu)o Values in Figure 170 are not necessarily the
maximum 7p/7yq ratios. Another difficulty arises when
the absorption cross sections, c, are different for the two
isotopes (gq * gp). Then it is not clear whether one
should use 7p/y ratios or ratios of the photoionization
cross sections, ¢;(¢; = no), and one should compare the
results ealeulated using both the 7p/ny ratio and the
oip/oin ratio. If multiple ionization occurs, then the
simple Platzman mechanism may be inappropriate.
Furthermore, there are alternative explanations”' ” of
isotope effects in ionization that do not use the kinetics
proposed by Platzman.











Fig. 171—The maximumfraction of the ionization produced
by direct ionization for the protonated molecule (¢/yn) as a
function of &. See equation (6) for the definition of R. The
nine separate curves are each labelled with the ya value for
that curve.

1. Platzman, R. L. J. Phys. Radium 21, 853 (1960); Radiat.
Res. 17, 419 (1962); 7. Chem. Phys. 38, 2775 (1963).
. Plataman, R. L. Vortex 23, 372 (1962).

ob Ww be


. Jesse, W. P. and Platzman, R. L. Nature 195, 790 (1962).

. Person, J.C. and Nicole, P. P. J. Chem. Phys. 49, 5421 (1968).

. Johnson, P. M. and Riee, 8S. A. J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2734

6. Krauss, M., Walker, J. A., and Dibeler, V. H. J. Res. Natl.
Bur. Std. 724, 281 (1968).

H.A. Schultz
Components of the ion chambers designed to measure the
effect of pressure upon the ionziation of pure rare gases were
cleaned, assembled, and checked for satisfactory operation.
Several portions of the apparatus were modified because they
were unsatisfactory in their original form.

A fast particle traversing a medium produces ioni-

zation and excitation within the material. If the medium is a pure rare gas, the value of W, the average
energy lost by the particle per ion pair produced,
can be expected to vary with gas pressure; this is because rare gas atoms that are excited to certain high
energy levels can release their excess energy through
two competing processes: photon emission and assoclative ionization. The latter is a collision process in
which an excited atom combines with an atom in the
ground state to yield a diatomic positive ion and a

free electron. This reaction is often called the Hornbeck-Molnar effect. At sufficiently high pressures the
collision process will be more probable than the emis-

sion process, and at lower pressures the reverse will

be true; this implies that W must decrease with increasing pressure.
The previous report) described briefly an appara-

tus designed to utilize two ionization chambers of

similar geometry but different dimensions to measure
the effect. of pessure upon W for neon and argon. Af-

ter the stainless steel chambers had been fabricated
in the shops, they were disassembled in the laboratory,
cleaned carefully with solvents to remove foreign
materials that had been picked up on the surfaces,

then reassembled.

It is possible that trace quantities of gaseous impurities desorbed by surfaces inside the chambers
will produce relatively few spurious ions, or a relatively great number; it will depend upon the ionization potential of the impurity and, to a very great
extent, upon the decay scheme associated with the
photon emission processes of the rare gas atoms.

The effect of small traces of impurities can be small
if all the excitation energy of a rare gas atom is lost in

Select target paragraph3