while M’/C is confined to the limits 0.086-0.123. C may

be regarded as the scale factor and M’/C as the shape

parameter for the curve. Generally speaking, C’ represents an average over all data points, and its value is
rather insensitive to errors in individual points. On the

other hand, M’/C is determined by the ratio (cross
section at high energy)/(cross section at low energy).

Taking cross sections at the two limits of our energy

range, the ratio is 0.453 for M’/C = 0.092 and 0.502
for M’/C = 0.123. From these numbers it is evident
that M’/C is very sensitive to errors toward either end

of the energy range and can be determined only with a
much lower relative precision than can C. Conversely,

given an accurate value of C, cross sections can be computed quite accurately and extrapolated over a wide
energy range in spite of a relatively large uncertainty
in M/C.

For each gas studied, values of Jf’ and C are derived
from a collection of thirty or more data points. A quantitative estimate of the limits of errors is necessanly
rather complicated and tedious; the method will be

sketched only briefly.
The quantities involved are connected bythe relation

y = QL[M’x(p) + Cre(p)\(P — Po),



of mec) and is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength in the analyzer
P is the pressure of gas in the gas-filled counter.

It is convenient to write Eq. (1) in the form
n=(1+4)ing 1,




y/(1 —e= E M+ co | QLOPmin —


+ [0.124 + X_|Po,

where the term in Pp is approximated by the last term.
The approximation is permissible because the term is

always small and M’/C is never very different from 0.1;
é represents the probability that the counting mechanism fails to register a valid ionization act.
Suppose that the true values of M’ and C are Mj
and Cy and that during the measurements the actual
values of p and P differ from those given by the meter
readings and ealibrations by Ap and AP, and that « ts

not zero, though small. When the observed values are

put into a least squares solution for M’ and C, values

differing from the true ones by AM’ and AC are ob-

tained. We wish to find how AC/Cy and A(M’/C) are
related to the e, Ap/p and AP/P.

yo —In (1 — 9).

Systematic errors are those that result from errors of

y is the average numberof ionization acts per transit
of a primary electron
@ is a known numerical constant
Z is the path length of the primaryelectron
p is the momentum of the primaryelectron (in units




mum magnitude of Ap/p to be 0.01. Similarly for P, we

estimate the error in calibration of the W & T gauge to



Pat +o




1 +




data point taken at the same p. We estimate the maxi-








be not greater than 0.05 torr. Counting conditions vary

from gas to gas and from pressure to pressure for the

same gas. Conditions are tested for each combination of

ot —




The systematic errors in p may bedifferent for differ-

ent values of p, but do not vary from data point to



calibration for Z, », and P and from nonideal counting
conditions fore.
The ease of Z is trivial; the uncertainty in the path
length is not greater than }5 %; it contributes 0.005 to
AC/C and zero to A(M*/C).

gas and pressure by observing y at successively higher
counter voltages with p near the value for minimum

ionization. Conditions are considered satisfactory when
the variation with voltage does not exceed thestatistical
uncertainty in y; counting is continued until the standard deviation in y, based on counted numbers, is 0.01
(absolute, not relative, deviation). We conclude that ¢

must le between zero and 0.02 except perhaps in a few



Fig. 167.—Distribution of data points: +, experiments; ©,
calculation of errors.

difficult cases.
The data points from an actual experiment are distributed generally as indicated by the crosses in Figure 167. The effects of systematic errors must depend
upon the area from which the points come, so one can

Select target paragraph3