The author is indebted to Dr. A. W. Weiss for providing the wave functions, and to Dr. MI. Inokuti for

many helpful discussions.

5. Pekeris, C. L. Phys. Rev. 126, 1470 (1962).
6. Pekeris, C. L. Phys. Rev. 115, 1216 (1959).

7. Pekeris, C. L. Phys. Rev. 126, 143 (1962).

8. Ilart, J. F. and Herzberg, G. Phys. Rev. 106, 79 (1957).

9, Rotenberg, M. and Stein, J. Phys. Rev. 182, 1 (1969).


1. Kim, Y.-K., and Inokuti, M. Phys. Rev. 166, 39 (1968).
2. Inokuti, M., and Kim, Y.-K. Phys. Rev. 178, 154 (1968).

3. Inokuti, M., Kim, Y.-K., and Platzman, RK. L. Phys. Rey.
164, 55 (1967).
4. Weiss, A. W. J. Res. Nall. Bur. Std. TEA, 163 (1967).

10. Hurst, R. P. Acta Cryst. 18, 634 (1960).
11. Freeman, A. J. Acta Crysf. 18, 190 (1960).
12. Fock, V. and Petrashen, M. J. Phys. Z. Sowjet. 8, 547

13. Kim, Y.-K. and Invkuti, M. Inelastic-Seattering Cross
Sections of Fast Charged Particles by Lit. This report.

Smto Tant* and Mikio [nokutt
The knowledge of the number of bound states and density
of states of a molecular ion is very useful in the analysis of
molecular spectra and also in the studyof ion-atom scattering

at low incident energy. The WKB approximation in quantum
mechanics has been used to estimate the total number of bound
states and the density of states for the ion-atom complex represented by a simple parameter.

The purpose of this work is to provide, in a quick esti-

mate, parameters concerning boundstates of an ion with

a neutral atom. Accordingly, we assume that the polari-

zation (7*) potential plays the most essential role," and
extend it to a distance which is a sum of effective radii
of the ion and the atom. Inside we assumean infinitely

high repulsive potential (hard core) for the sake of

mathematical simplicity. The parameters we deal with

are (1) the number of bound states for each rotational
quantum number, (2) the density of bound states per

unit energy interval, and (3) the radius of the largest

classical orbit. In the above-mentioned simplified model,
the polarizability a of the neutral atom,” the reduced
mass » of the system, and the ionic and the atomic
radii® @ion and Gneutr. Will appear only in a combination
of the form
z2=V ap/ (Bion + Gneutr.)5

where all quantities will be expressed in atomic units.
Therefore, a handy tabulation of the results 1s possible

byusing values of z as indices.
The zero-energy resonances in this model can be
determined from the zeros of a Bessel function.” We

consider the rotational quantum number (/) as a con-

tinuously varying parameter.t When the parameter z
* Visiting Scientist for the period of July-August, 1969; permanent address: Physics Department, Marquette University,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233.
+ A resonance considered as a function of angular momentum
is called a Regge pole and is well studied in scattering theory.
(See, for example, Reference 5.)

introduced above is known, the upper I:mit of J will
be determined for each vibrational quantum number
(v). The results will be presented in the form of an ex-

tensive table, and we can estimate the possible number

of bound states straightforwardly. Besides being of
direct help in the spectroscopy of molecular ions, the
location of such resonances for variable J (Regge poles)
is greatly relevant to the study of ion-atom scattering
at very low energies. This is so because, as energy is
raised above zero, these resonances continue to exist
with a complex value of angular momenta, and some

of them maybesignificant as a cause of a rainbowor a

Both quantum numbers, J and »v, can take large
values. Then, the situation is semiclassical. Namely, an

estimate based on classical mechanics is quite close to
the rigorous result, and the WKB approximation is
valid, Therefore, we shall use this method in the evaluation of the density of the states. Since the problem is
characterized by a single parameter z in the case of
J = 0, we shall investigate this case in detail. It turns
out that only a small correction is necessary for a nonvanishing value of /, unless J is very large. The orbital

radius for a high lying level is large. If other atoms or

ions are encountered along such a large orbit, the spee-

tral line of a high lying level will be shifted. The density

effect of the same kind in which an electron is orbiting
instead. of an ion was first discussed by Fermi.It is
planned to derive an effective value of the largest orbital radius, which will serve as a critical parameter in
the shift of spectral lines of high lying levels.
* The quantal effect of the Lit-He scattering was studied by
Weber and Bernstein;® in the case of H-H, in which the potential behaves like r* at a large distance, an extensive tabulation and drawing of graphs was made by Waeeh and Bernstein;although there is a difference between the nature of
their problem and ours, presentation of the final result has cer-

tain common aspects in these two cases,

Select target paragraph3