relative to the range of all charged particles produced

by slow neutron capture in °Li or 1B. The recorder-

source combinations were placed in aluminumholders
under pressure supplied by a thin laver of sponge
rubber to insure good surface contact. In some expo-

sures the packages were placed in Cd boxes so that a
correction for epithermal neutrons could be made.

The unperturbed thermal neutron flux in the

standard pile at the position where the packages were

placed was assumed* to be 4100 + 200 neutrons/cm-"

sec. The ratio of the Au activity for a given exposure
time with and without the ®LiF was 0.42 + 0.02. The
corresponding ratio for the 1°B was 0.50 = 0.01. The

lack of flux depression in the case of the 4B is due to

its small mass. Thus, the thermal neutron flux at the
®LiF surface was 1720 + 100 neutrons/cm? sec, and

on the back side of the *LiF and !°B sources are absorbed without producing tracks.




of the

alpha particles


SLitr.a«) induced by slow neutrons is 2.0 MeV. Most
of the alpha particles from !°B(n,«) will have a maximum energy of 1.5 MeV. For thick !°B and °LiF

sources most of the alpha particles entering the CAB

surface will be below its threshold ~1.6 MeV. For
the !°B sources the *Li recoil nuclei will also produce

tracks. Thus, the 1°B is especially well suited for
thermal neutron detection when used with the CAB
Whereas the research reported here indicates that
the CAB '°B or *L1 combinations offer great promise

for slow neutron detection, further studics are needed

the corresponding flux at the B was 2050 + 100

to put the results on a completely quantitative basis.

The track recording rate for the °LiF was 9.65 =

own calibrations. The threshold, detection efficiency,

neutrons/em? sec.

0.23 tracks/em* sec in the neutron flux of 1720 neutrons/em* sec. The detection efficiency is thus (5.6 +

0.3) <X 10~% tracks per thermal neutron. The corre-

sponding numbers for the B are (26.7 = 1.1)
tracks/cm?-see in the thermal neutron flux of 2050, or
(1.30 = 0.08) X 107? tracks/thermal neutron.

The above calculated efficiencies are for thermal

neutrons incident over a 2 x solid angle. For thermal

neutrons incident isotropically, the above values
should be divided by two, since all neutrons incident

* Based on a measurement carried out by Harvey Casson
in 1961 with gold foils. The flux is being redetermined with
eold foils and natural uranium-mica combinations.“

Anyone planning to use the CAB should carry out his
etc., depend upon the manufacturing process of the
actual material used and may even vary from batch

to batch from the same manufacturer.

The authors are indebted to Harvey Casson for
helpful discussions on the thermal neutron flux meas-


1. Fleischer, R.L., Priee, P. B., and Walker, R. M. Ann. Per,
Nuel. Set. 16, 1 (1965).
2. Ringo, G. R. Private communication.
3. Livingston, M.8., snd Bethe, H. A. Rev. Mod. Phys. 9, 245

4, Gold, R., Arman, R. J., and Roberts, J. TE. Nuel. Sev.
Eng. 34, 13 (1968).

Jacob’Kastner, Keith Eckerman,* B. G, Oltman, and Pete Tedeschi
It has been postulated that lattice heating may be the
mechanism for the effects of fast neutrons on the gamma-ray
response of TLD-700. In the experiment to be described,
LiF was exposed to neutron energies of 6-14 MeV. The observed decrease in thermoluminescent response was established to be due in part to permanent damage of the dosimeter
and definitely not attributable to lattice heating.

That there was an effect of fast neutron exposure
on the 7LiF thermoluminescent response to gamma
rays was reported earlier.) The decrease in thermoluminescent response observed seemed to be independent of the total neutron exposure and neutron energies
* Civil




Division, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.


below 1 MeV. Furthermore, as no permanent damage
was observed, it was postulated that neutrons of less
than 1.0 MeV may be introducing lattice vibrations

giving effects similar to the thermal effects of a TLD


In order to verify this hypothesis, it was decided to

investigate this phenomenon at neutron energies of 6
to 14 MeV. The following is an account of this study
and its results,

The gamma-ray responses of TLD 700 dosimeterst

were determined with radium gamma rays using a
+ Extruded rods, 14 X 14 X 6 mm, Harshaw Chemical
Co.. Cleveland, Ohio.

Select target paragraph3