

be tolerated for- emergency periods in food and arinking water:.


a! periods not exceedingeeeee eeattt conteminated withincert:

artiy’velleble field1 nonitoring inatrmmenta.; It is expectel thatPea
these permissible limits. of contamination will. be made public sho
following concurrence by experts to whom the study has
been subm

Civil | Defense 4é1eon Branch
Instructor: training program. The Illinois Tech course. for
tion detection monitors wae completed August 11. A total of 83 wersons

was trained in five courses (Brookhaven, Oak Ridge, UCLA, Reed.C
and Illinois Tech) which were given.

tion detection instruments.

In addition, the Operations Offices] have been |

sent maps of each city intheir areas with a population inexces
50,000. A meeting of team representatives was scheduled for Sey
for the purpose of coordinating team operational plana.

NSRB civil defense exercises. Mr. Harry L..Bowman ret
the Seattle Test Exercise. In this exercise - as in the Washingtonexerdetonation of two or three atomic bombs.

Various city departmests (fire,

police, highways, water, etc.) and the utilities serving the lodality
(telephone, telegraph, electric, gas, etc.), after an appraisalfof its

resources, told how they would meet the emergency with its presgnt equipment. Each exercise that has been held so far has been well atfended vy
governors of nearby states and mayors of neighboring cities.

Information furnished NSRB.

The pamphlet "Medical Aspe

B of

Atomic Weapons," jointly prepared by the AEC and the Department of Defense,
‘was revised and reprinted during the month.

A considerable amount of study went into the matter of


Sketches and a statement of principles were furnished to NSRB
ble inclusion in their forthcoming publication for distributiol


Radiation Instruments Branch
The first civilian defense type instrument which has be ome available under the Branch's development program has been tested at# the Bureau
of Standards for energy dependency and by the Signal Corps at Fort

Monmouth, New Jersey, for ruggedness and temperature and humidfity depend-

Preliminary data indicate that the instrument is quite Bsatisfactory,
from both radiation energy and ruggedness consideraticns.
A yrocedure has




Select target paragraph3