T%t stst~t of limited difference. Page 32, paragraph “!nhtlation.” P??rtin ●nd Bloo= (NB) and ICRP is incomt in that the W erroneously neglects to ●ccount for exhtXation of xir. This2s confirmed b noting that 3 ~ defines inhalation rate as product of respiration Tam (ZOEI /d for stmdsrd man) and I% concentration in sir and then MB ●ssigns 100percmt of tht inhaled to the respiratory tract [30S toDL snd 70% to URT). For SO\ deposition in the DL, only 23f may deposit b the URT with the renaining to dese. The error uo~ld 47% bclng ●xhale? an~ thereby not contributing =ke little difference in the dr~ft results sincc it SCCOUntSonly for the However, in view of the relatively large vslue (().~]) fOr DL coqonmt. fractional clearance from URT to blood, (which tbtn leads to dose to bone] neglect of URT clearance will lead to under-esttites of bone dose. 27. Mtuccn ● Ifkii 241 is”ClsSS If, then the chicken study (Set cement sbvve) iS~DM9 M the cmcentratien of soluble transuranic clenents in egg yolks he transfer frsction used for is ach greater than insoluble. Mmeover, incor- k 243 is less than retecmended b~3EPA {10- 1 mlcss ‘biologically pmrtted’; in which case it is SX1O ) sncl there M been zmjor efforts to Rcconmend discussion be included on xatfonale ce=ply with EPA guidance. for not corglyfng with EPA. . iqotimt .. . Use, parsmettrs for inhalation model have been chxnged and xesult in subConsistency with the new ICRP stEntial differences in dose ●stimtes~ calculations is a msto 28. Page 34, paragrsph 1. Readers sheuld be suaxe that the Enjebi option ‘ muld raqu.ire residence te begin on E.njeM 8 yeus ●fter Tesidence begins in .t.he seuth since S years sre xequixed to produce food which then serveS for the first S yesrs at Enjebi. qticm cannot comence at the Enjebi residence tl~e Southern island residence cmmences forthedost esttiates to hold. . .-, : ● ✎ . ‘ “ ✚ .-.i 1 , . . , 29. Page 3S, last paragraph. 77’te living pattern described here is ve~ sidlar to Case 4 ~f the EIS w}ich was rejected in part because “inporting would be a long-term burden on the focal for the Enjtbi inhabitants... dri Enjebi which wuuld eventually becone objectionable to them.” 2. Discussion hert is mtirelymisletdlng! Refeten( 30. Page 49, paragraph .“ Previous discussion highligfits that dsl iS nade to the %aximm individual iS distributed Iog-nomally but dose estimates sre based on azitlmctic avezal for this, page 49, parsgrgp$ 1 recomtnds the ‘?naxir,um individual’ ‘Tosctount be ●ssigned three tiEes the =verage dose. 7?ae sax.imum bone dose rate for Enjebi residence is given in Table 29 as 2S0 rnrea/y (for 65% of population} which