. . . -’ . . . ● The Enewetak cleanq and rehabilitation plans Mm sdopted sfter ●xtensive zwiew over 8 period of stvtr81 years in accordxace with the envircmental A change my be in 0r4tr at th!s time; however, *act statement process. the basis should be moze than the qualified draft. new in hand. ~cco=~end to the report which wuld state that fn $plte the suthors add apreamble of the xesemations mentioned, dose predictions giv:n sre the nest xellistic to be changed which csn be made at the present time and results arc unlikely [If justified) si~ificsntly when rcmining uncertainties sre ●laminated. . ●reas of the report which hsve ●pparent weaknesses. 2. ?here me several One relates to the sanple grid systmwhichprotidts precise masurenent of rsdionuclide content based on the point where the smple i$ ttkene ~~en island~ the this method is used to conpute the “average “ value for an entire island’%verage’~may indeed be higheror louer than themy isolated spots. . , resofdatx Asecond c;ncern is in the ● by the food CtOps. Measureznents ●ppear . ?e .’ ontheupttke to be f~rly of radionuclides Malted. AtMrdplace inuhichdatt sre ltss than dtsirsble is in the quantitstion daily. of diet - howmch of which types of food are consuned by individuals AS 8 corollary to the preceding two pamgmphs, it is worth xecalling that dose cstinates on which the Enewetak Clemup were based had ingestion as the pathway leading to highest dose. Within this pathway, breadfruit and pandanu! time uore significant contributors to dose than coconut. WO-140 dose predictions lead to reccmnendations that residence ●nd 811 agriculture should * li~ited to the south. The AECTask Gxoup concurred that no residence shou~ be allowed on Enjebi, but it yielded to thou coconut agriculture onnorthcrn islands. 7he present dose estiutes for Enjebl consider breadfmit md Fandw grown on Enjebi without consequence, for Enjtbi if ●nd encourage residence coconuts tre grokm on southern islands, The draft study reparts that vegetsb squash is relatively good at taking up radionuclides, but that does not Showup in the estimtes becmse the pCOpIC did not list squash in their diet questionnaire. But what assurance is there thst the dri Enjebi will net turn to squash or som other locally gmm vegetable which is as ●ffecti~~e in ●bso: ‘fng radionuclidesl h ~kt happens when we know ●nd utilize the uptake of chickens and eggs in lieu of le~ves and rat neat? Recommend that where possible these types of questions be addressed in the report. . “: ● .. II :i . -. 1 . . I . . .. . ; .. 8 1 .I 1 ,* . “ #- . S’b -s . .. .