‘,, . 0- . * 410140 . .’+l//p/, . ... .. ..V .4,. P&J) +’J . ; -. ● mu,,:;. -. ‘ G-” ~,,\.~ w. J. BjllR . I -i DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGERCY WASHINGTON, D.C.2030E .,--;1 . Dr. Willfm Robi;on Terrcstrlal 6 Atmospheric Sciences Lawrence Livemore laborsto~ P. O, BDX80S Mvermore, California 94SS0 . . “. “. I *8T Ik, Division -k’;;” . . Fhi$on: Ik. IWCe i?. kkchholz of the Departmnt of Energy reques~ed in his letter dated 2 Aug 79 that the Rcassc$sment Defcns~ Ruc~eU *encyxe~zew&io Vprel~r~naw of the potential copy of your xeport, “logical Doses for Residents Resettling Enewetak Atoll,l~ dated 23 JuI 790 are attachad. Enclosures 1 and 2* DNAcoments on the provided docment . i Werall, the document is ~ WlitYTePDrt* based on $“~d ‘ethodo~efi~ I%e data that axe ●vailable sre good. d reasonably adequate data. wmr$ there are several sppaxent weaknesses which are identified in the Resolution of these itens shbuld cements. Rtttched general and specific pXOdUCG8 scrod TCpO~. -. . mst Hopefully$ our torments kJll bs eftssistmee happy to xeview any subsequent drafts of this to you. liewouldbe docunent. . 2 Enclosures: ss stated . :. . :. .- .“ . . . i . . j . . BEST COPY AVAILABLE 8 . . . ,*. . .