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Notes on Meeting of Monday, August 13, 1979, with T. L. Mitchell and His
Consultants, Dr. W. Ogle, Mr. Michae? Bender, and Or. R. Brill


Dr. Ogle (Environmental Aspects)

This informal meeting was opened by Dr. William E. Ogle, Energy Systems,
Inc. (formerly associated with the Los Alamos Project) who explained
briefly how the radiation dose was computed. He noted that the "direct
path" radiation was not very significant but that the "food chain"
aspect was the important aspect to be considered. Marine food chain
with respect to Enewetak is "clean" and presents no problem.


Or. Ogle limited his comments to “Engebi" Teland.



He commented Lhat the

Livermore Report was a good one-that a fine job had been done, although
he noted that over 50 years you might find a 50% uncertainty.

Using Engebi Island and the worst example, i.e., taking all 454 pennte and
assuming "famine condition" (i.e., no Imported foods) but al? food from
Engebi or the N.E, islands, after 8 years of living on Engebi, the dose
assessment which would be received by the people would be 200-250 miligram
per year at the peak.

Over a 30-year period, this would result in exposure of 4-7 R.
Standards in USA for a 30-year period would be 5 R.



Ogle raised a question as to how uncertain is the 4-7 R estimate, He
noted that a year ago the estimate without the benefit of the recent "dose
assessment study" was twice as high, i.e., 8-14 R over a period of 30

| Summary of Dr. Ogle's opinion:


No problem at al] with respect to return of people of Engebi.


If there is concern for “any risk", you could decrease the 4-7 R range by
incréasing amount of imported food brought in, or by delaying use of

consumption of Tocal food, i.e., coconuts for another stated period.

He further noted that only 15% of food now consumed (3/10 of a daily 2
pound diet) is locally grown in any event.

. R, Brill (Cancer Risk)
Dr. Brill described what the dose assessment meant in terms of effect on
the people. He noted that there is 2-33 chance of increase in cancer
risk to people exposed to l/rem per year. You cannot tell which might be
radiation induced or natural. Also in the U.S. there is a 15% chance of
anyone getting cancer.


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