There were no uncontrolled incidents of exposure to radiation since

1967 when the radiography section came under the cognizance of the
present department. Since discovery of some radiation levels at the 13

MeV facility, a lead shield was installed in front of the control room, and

the door to the control room waskept shut during radiation production.

. The statement also indicated that there was no known information on
possible prior exposures but that some exposure may have occurred at one of
the 2 MeVfacilities where claimant had worked but that such exposures would
be “minimal”,
Ciaimant was assigned to supervise the operation of these X-ray facilities
and was for !% years solely responsible for the interpretation of all
radiographs. During this period be averaged 50 - 60 hours per week and read,
interpreted and reported on approximately 10,000 radiographs a month. Due
to lack of space he utilized the control room of the 13 MeV facility. For the
period of 1965 to 1970, claimant was present in the control room for about
500 hours of beam time of the 13 MeV unit. Claimant was also sent to various
other government andprivate industry facilities to interpret radiographs, set up
X-ray procedures, and train technicians in the field of film interpretation.
In a statement concurred in by the employing laboratory the claimant said:

The radiation survey taken... showed by instrument a count of 2

mR/hr of X-ray and 2 mR/hr of fast neutrons on my desk in the control

room. This count converted to Rem showsa radiation per hour count
seven times greater than allowed by the Atomic Energy Commission and
the National Bureau of Standards which is 3 mRem/hr. The conversion:
X-ray 2 mMR/hr. x RBE x 1
Fast Neutrons 2 mR/hr. x RBE x 10

= 2mRemf/hr.
= 20 mRemfhr.
20 Si





Diagnosis is hypertension of a tabile type. This hypertension may he

essential or may be the result of the second diagnosis, i.e., anxiety
reaction. Its lability is in support of its etiology in part being secondary
to (claimant's) anxiety.
This medical department has not been responsible for continuing care

and treatment of (claimant’s) problem. Intermittent observation
indicates probable adequate control by use of mild tranquilizers and
anti-hypertensive medications. “‘Cure’’ of (claimant's) problem is not


I have little doubt that (claimant’s) anxiety is a by-product of his

occupation in that he is most concerned that high energy radiation
exposure has made him an unhealthy man. This concern has led to his
constant anxiety. His hypertension may or may not be a result solely of
his anxiety. There is no evidence to support or refute the premise that

(claimant’s) problems are the result of physical damage caused by high
energy radiation.

Various statements from the claimant’s private physician indicated that

claimant was “very anxious’; he seemed to have @ “fixation on the

bombardment with irradiation which he gets at work”; that he continued to
have hyperventilation syndrome and that “even the slightest little thing seems
to turn him into a severe anxiety reaction”. The physician stated:
... possibility must be considered of being exposed to fast neutrons

and high energy X-rays causing these symptoms of fatigue and

weakness. ..

The Rem factors above are catcutated from tow energy X-ray
machines, not from high energy output X-ray equipment.

The Bureau's Medical Director was of the opinion that claimant should
continue under medical supervision.

the 13 MeV X-ray facility, there appears to be unknownfactors in the
biological effects of low doses of high energy radiation accumulated over
a period of time.

BEC’s Decision: The Bureau accepted the claim for hypertension with anxiety

Coupled with the unknown factors in the radiation surveys taken at

reaction and granted authority for necessary medical treatment.

Medical Evidence: A statement from the employing laboratory’s Medical
Officer read in pertinent part as follows:

in summary... patient has complained for about two years of
intermittent fatigue, weakness, dizziness, mild chest pains and dyspnea.
(Claimant) has for years worked with high energy X-ray equipment. He
is certain that this exposure has caused damage to his health and that the
above symptomsare manifestations of this damage.
Physical findings on all occasions since 1968 in this Dispensary have
been positive, only in the finding of elevated blood pressure.

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Select target paragraph3