BEC's Decision: The case was allowed for chondrosarcoma of the hip and

death due to injury from X-rays. Under the death provisions of 5 USC 8101

seq. the Bureau made an award of compensation to the widow and her three
minor children.

Type ofInjury: Cataract of the Right Eye.

BEC’s Decision: Compensation Denied.
Date of Decision: 1969.
Ciaimant’s Allegation: That a catasact of his right eye was caused by exposure

to 1) concentrations of chemical di-isopropyl-carbo-di-imide (DICDI) and 2) to

ionizing radiation emitted by three sources of Cesium-137 while he was

employedas an electrician at an arsenal.

Facts: Claimant worked at a testing machine from late July 1962 to April 13,

1963. This machine contained three sources of Cesium-137: 200, 200 and 180

millicuries respectively. These sources were immersed in mercury contained
within a lead cylinder. The sources were not removed from the mercury filled

cylinder at any time during claimant’s tour.
As an electrician he helped install and adjust the machine when it was put in
service, This required him to be near it for that period of 3 to 4 weeks for

many hours each week. After installation was completed he serviced it
regularly on mumesous occasions. At other times he was not in close proximity

to the machine.
Evidence indicated that the source of radiation was operated in the “open”
position during the installation period.
The “open” position of the radiation source did not involve s “shutter”.
Exposure was accomplished ty moving the Cesium forward within the mercury

toward 2 stainless steel source port or window in the cylinder wall. When the

source was in this “open” position it was capable of emitting 1000 mr per hour
through the stainless steel! window. When it was in the “closed” position the

radiation around the cylinder wat down to 14.4 mr per hour orless because of
the mercury and lead shield.

There were two sefety ‘protictions to indicate when the source was in the

open position: (1) a light off the control panel, and (2) a visible mark on the

mechanical actuating device which controlled the movement of the Cesium
within the cylinder. These could-be disabled manually.
The entire machine was property shielded to keep radiation to 3 safe level.
With the source in its “open” attitude the highest point of radiation outside
the shielding was point “o’’ directly in front of the plastic window. This point
measured 13 mr per hour. Claimant was at this point for significant periods of
time with the source “open” although it was general practice to “close” the
source if 2 person was expected to be at this point for more than a few
moments. As an electrician his duties required him to observe the machine in


Select target paragraph3