2. There is no etiological relationship between the veteran's presence in
the vicinity of two atomic bomb tests in July 1946 and the
subsequent onset of arachnoiditis, cauda equina.
In support ofits conclusion that veteran's disability was not incurred in or

. wert

aggravated by military service, the Board said:

There is no support for the contention that since specific reasons for
development of arachnoiditis by the appellant have not been isolated by
physicians, there must be a causa! relationship between the present
condition and possible exposure to atomic radiation approximately 20
years earlier. The veteran has produced no medical support for his
theory that overexposure to radiation could cause arachnoiditis.
Independent research performed by the Board’s staff has not produced
such support.
Furthermore, the official report of Operation Crossroads, written by
[the] official historian of Joint Task Force One, shows that film badges
used to measure nuclear radiation following the blasts in question
revealed no cases of overexposure to atomic radiation as a result of that


The present case is not analogous to the Board’s 1968 decision, the
case of another veteran to which the veteran’s representative refers. The

veteran in that case developed granulocytic leukemia after direct

exposure to radioactive materials, including actual entrance into the

underground impact site of an explosion within a few days of the blast
and after carrying, by hand, radioactive materials in addition to being
present, apparently in the openair, at the time of nuclear explosions. Of
primary importance in that case was the conclusion that he received
radiation approximating !00 roentgens and medical evidence of a direct
relationship between exposure to significant amounts of radiation and
the subsequent development of leukemia. Present case presents no
comparable basis for a favorable decision.


Type of Injury: Bronchiolar Carcinoma of the Left Lung; Hypertrophy of the

Prostate with Chronic Prostatitis; Fibrotic Contracture of the Bladder Outlet.
BVA’s Decision: Denial Affirmed.
Date of Decision: 1968.
Appellant's Allegation: That his carcinoma of the left lung in 1961 (i} was

etiologically related to carcinoma of the right testicle for which service

connection is established, and (ii) the medical treatment which he received for

his testicular tumor, especially the roentgen therapy to the left hilar region
given in September 1946, contributed to the pulmonary carcinoma; and that
his prostatic and renal conditions in 1965 and 1966 were caused by radiation
therapy he received in June and August 1944,

Facts: Veteran served in military from August 1942 to July 1945. While in
service he was treated for a malignant tumor of the right testicle. A right
orchidectomy was performed. He was subsequently treated with X-ray therapy
from June to August 1944. After service, he received other medical treatments
including roentgen therapy to the left hilar region given in September 1946. In
December 196! he was again hospitalized. A tumor for which the lower lobe of
the left lung was removed was diagnosed as a bronchiolar carcinoma. In
November 1965 there was a clinical diagnosis of fibrous contracture of bladder
outlet and pyelonephritis. In October 1966, there was also a diagnosis of
prostatic hypertrophy, probably benign, of moderate degree and prostatitis.
Medical Evidence; \n view of the specific allegations advanced, the Board
submitted the clinical and other medical records to the Armed Forces Institute
of Pathology for their examination, review and opinion. Three of the questions

asked the Institute of Pathology were as follows:

Is there any relationship between the lung tumor and the treatment

which the veteran received for possible residuals of the testicular tumor,

especially the roentgen therapy to the left hilar region given in
September 1946?
Is the [lung tumor} related to the testicular tumor for which right
orchidectomy was performed in service in May 1944?
Is there any relationship between the radiation therapy of June to

August 1944 to the back and abdomen and the genitourinary disorders

reported in April and October 1966?


Select target paragraph3