
. C&S



consulted by the governmental planners and meets these require:
vents exceptionally well.
Short of involving so many advisors and planners that
Gaecesions and action are unduly iinpeded, it is essential that
those representing all the relevant disciplines work together as
a group with the Enewetak Flianning Council and the governmental

To some extent this is what has been done during

Rianning to date, but for the remainder of the program, the
relevant disciplines should be identified as such, appropriate
representatives engaged and organized into a more or less formal
advisory council.

Radiological Ccnsiderations

The Radiological Survev

The survey of radiological conditions at Enewetak Atoll in
1972 under the auspices of the Atomic Energy Commission is, we
believe exceptionally good as far as it goes, but we have been
advised by capable experts in the field that more work remains to
be done and that the qualifications of the four-member Task Group

which supervised the conduct of the survey, the assessment of its
data and developed final recommendations are open to questicn.


is also apparent that as detailed and elaborate as that survey was,
follow-up gathering of data and careful assessment of that data is
absolutely essential, particularly with respect to the risk to
health from all low-level, long-life radionuclides and' especially
the danger posed by those alpha-emitting radionuclides known as

hot particles, such as Plutonium-239 and Americium-241l.
We do not wish to detract from the qualifications of the

Select target paragraph3