Those on Attached List


an understandable explanation can be given. An education program
1s needed. Someone from DOI/TT should go along on these visits.
Need for a bilingual person was stated, possibly someone on the
TT staff paid by ERDA. Nidu at BNL could help if he has a translator. There is need to review protocol for this work.

There is a need to evaluate the problem of radionuclides in
copra. Question on whether U. of Washington could study this.
BER will see what can be cone. The problem should be brought
to DOI attention.
The status of 13 Atoll survey was reviewed. There is a new Navy
contact ~ have met with him three times trying to get the planning done that is needed to do the job. There must be a minimum
number of ground samples collected to verify aerial data and
some quantity of marine, terrestrial food and ground water

sampling is needed to calculate dose.

After designing the

aerial survey, will use what is available in time and resources
to get the rest of the data. The problem is, OMB has said ERDA
should eat its costs of 1.2M@o? which one half is flying costs.
Enewetak cleanup was discussed. Question - How do we influence
‘the DHA approach to cleanup wherein the cleanup commander will

place the highest priority for cleanup of Pu (in soil) on Runit

Island? Cleanup of soil Pu is to start on islands in the north.
DNA will hold back funds to cover Runit cleanup such that another
more important cleanup job such as Enjebi, a prospective villaye

island, may not be satisfactorily completed.

Question - If

Enjebi is not cleaned up, what has been accomplished for the


NV will host (not chair) a DNA meeting in early October

to try to better define Runit cleanup. ERDA staff had never expected such a high priority be given to Runit cleanup, particularly
at the expense of cleanup of other areas more important to the
Question - Should we talk to DNA, write letters, what? Possibly
the best approach is to have DOI ask DNA the right question. One
approach to try is to get DOI staff to set up a briefing for Winkle
(bu rece the issue that way. Followup on this is neeced quickly
Regarding revalidation of EPA agreement with AEC cleanup criteria,
Wachholz has a draft memo - Liverman to Costel. The committee
briefly reviewed this draft. Conments are to be provided to


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