Those on Attached List


Weyzen asked, is the ERDA role strictly advisory to DOI?

Answer - Strict interpretation is to advise, but ERDA must
sometimes do more such as in the medical area.

ERDA has responsibility to make sure our advice is understood.

The people most affected must understand also (Deal).


must be feedback from people and we must followup on recom-

mendations. Question asked whether programs involving socio-~
logists are needed. Agreement that experts are needed jn every
area of endeavor but we should do nothing that would appear to
release TT from their responsibility for welfare of people
“in the Marshalls. The committee should be responsible for
developing policy for DOE and to coordinate clasely with DOI.
We should take every opportunity to influence Trust Territory
thinking. However, when we talk about sociologists and
economists we go beyond just ERDA's responsibilities (Ray).
Winkle, the new High Com, expects continuing advice from ERDA
in dynamic situations to help him make decisions. Although
much time has been spent trying to inform POI and TT, many
times they go ahead with their plans without us.
Fifty more people want to go back to Bikini. The pressure to
return is on DeBrum from the people themselves. We don't expect to learn much more about Bikini and Eneu Islands from the
aerial survey but more will be learned about other islands in
the atoll for which there is now little info. This aerial survey
has been cited as something that must be done before people

return to Bikini (McCraw).

As for urgency to move people from Bikini to Eneu Islands, there
is no urgency if people are not relying on a Bikini Istand diet.

It should be relatively easy to provide food (Ray).

There was

disagreement on this point. No fresh foods are being provided,
only dry products. When body burdens of 13/Cs are again measured
in December they will probably be as high or higher than in May

and some people are already at or above the MPC right now (McCraw).
A short term solution to the fresh food problem is needed. The
High Com should be informed of this.

Regarding Pu in Bikini urine, when Greenhouse, BNL, goes oul
in October, five people will live on the LCU while urine is sampled
to get better control of sample collection conditions. Concern was
expressed for what impact this may have on the people and whether


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