Nets RIESE ie alban: AMEE othe ah tlhe nedblbccallye








Therefore the following computation is offered to help elucidate
the relationship between the radiation dose sustained by a population due
to exposure to netural background and that sustained by a population due
to a given level of contamination of milk by gr”,

This equation is

possible since the quantity of milk consumed by the population of the
United States is known even though the precise amount consumed by each
individual during a specified pericd is not known. Using a factor for tke
retention of ingested sr70 by the humen body, it is at once apparert how
much ge70 is deposited in human bone per year in a given population.
Calculation A

Total dose due to background sustained by the population of the
United States: |

Dose (in rems) = (average background dose per person) (See reference 2)
(number of people in U.Se)
= 1.35 x 1072 reps x 1.5 x 10°
= 2.43 x 10? reps to total population.
Calculation B

Total dose to a population from Sr” contamination of the
population exposure vector milk:
Assuming an ingestion period of 1 year to conform with background

dose estimates (above), the following formula can be used to compute
population dose:

Dose (rems) =

14 fwa Io Teff $B (REE) N (qne006934/TeFE, (See reference 3}

Select target paragraph3