The twenty year survey was highlighted by several special examinations

and the use for the first time of an LCU newly acquired by the AEC for medical
and radiological surveys in the Marshall Islands.
In addition to routine medi-

cal examinations several special medical studies were conducted, a thyroid
reserve study and a diabetic and genetic study.
Radiological surveys including

personnel monitoring by y-spectroscopy and environmental radiation studies

were carried out at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini.

must be considered quite preliminary at this time.

Results of these examinations

The survey team consisted of 19 members: from the U. S. - 4 M.D.'"s, 2
P.H.D.'s and 7 technical specialists; from the Trust Territory 1 M.D., 1
practitioner, | Medex and 3 technicians.
Also Mr. William Streenan from the

AEC and Mr. John Rosario representing the Congress of Micronesia accompanied
the team.

On the LCU there were 8 men in the crew plus a cook and as assistant

making a total of 31 people on the ship.
Medical examinations were conducted
on a total of about 500 people at Majuro March 18-23, at Eheye (Kwajalein)
March 25-29;

Aprit 11-15.

then via LCU to Utirik April*l-3, Rongelap, April 5-10 and Bikini,

A roster of team personnel is attached.

Village meetings were held at Utirik and Rongelap during which the objectives of che survey were discussed, team members introduced and questions
The meeting at Utirik was pleasant and uncomplicated, but the

Rongelap meeting was disappointing in that there were questions presented by
the Rongelap Fallout Survivors Association which indicated continued misunderstanding about the medical examinations and results. A transcript of this
village meeting is attached.
It appears that there must have been outside
influence in presenting the questions since

the people could not have read

our reports, those of the medical observers or the Congress of Micronesia

since they have not been-translated into Marshallese.
Further education of
the people is necessary and a booklet written in Marshallese is being prepared
by the Trust Territory which will help answer many of their questions.

of the medical surveys voiced last year at Rongelap by Senator Borja and
Congressman Balos needs further reinforcement by these congressmen.

Thyroid. ‘Two additional exposed Rongelap people were found to have thyroid

nodules, one in a 45-year old woman exposed on Ailingnae

[sland (whole body

gamma dose estimated at 69 rads) and in a 20-year old boy who was exposed
in-utero near the end of the second trimester.

The latter case is interesting

Since this is the first thyroid abnormality developing in any of the four in-

utero exposed children.

There was also one unexposed 41-year old Rongelap

Select target paragraph3