Utirik, Marshall Isluus
Trust Territory of the Pach
lire Pozay Ray, MY/T23

U.S. Lnerzy Nesearch ond Development Adsinistration (E2D,)

Hevada Oseraticns Office

P.O, Lox Uytco
a3 Vegas, Uevada dy
Dear lr. Nay:

Taig letter is fron the chiefs ang all of the people in Uticrik Atoll.


has now been tvuenty<two rears Since tha radioactive fall-out from tha bonb,

which has Cisturbed the peace and vel?ara from 195) umtil.the present,

The Coctors fron ENDA have told vs that there vere Uy ‘rads in Utirilk and

175 yvads in Ronselap, therefore, we are very surorized, because in Utirik we
have ten cases of thyroid romles, three of unich tere nalignante Cut in Mongelas
they have tairty cases of thyroid nodules, ond also tares cases of malignancy.
Perhaps you can tell us if there ia some explanation for the sana munberx of malign

thyroid cages in Ronrelap and Utirik, who received very different levels of

Additionally, wa have mamy more things to ask, because at present ve ere
not happy with the vay things are;

| (Dy ny 4s there nob a control group in Ubirik?

a) The people of Utirik ors different fron the people of Rongelap~—thyy
ore a different cena pool ond breeding pcooulatione

b) The people of Ubirik were exposed to different Jevels cf radiation than
the people of Renpalap—Utirik had Ly rads, ond Rongelaw had 175 reds.
c) Thera were different retum tines for the Utirlk peonle and tha Rongelop

poonls fron Ewaswlein (following thely evecvation) in 195h—-the peoole

of Utirik retawned to their atoll after three months, and the pecple~
ofRongelep retumed to thelr atrFcrvor threeyears.
Q) Would it be correct to say that nerhoes the Utirlk people received nore
than only 1) rads in light of their quick return time to Utirii?


e) Vionrld it ba correct to say that we can coect nany more casas of thyroid
problems in the tute?

(2) How cone the ERDA coctors told us that there was just a Little bib of radia
in Utirilk and a Lot in Ronyvelao? Yhat is, why are thers the sana mmber
of malignant tintoid slancs in Utirix as there are in Rongel2o?

3e lngy dsit tnat the ERDA coctors do not exaniua the children of the eosed


Utirnr eroup?

he Mey is it that the ERDA doctors giva different treatment to the peovle of
Utirik than

the people of Fongelap?

to_thepeonie of Utirik every yoar,

Thoy co not giveAdt oxarinations

as they eco tn Rongelio.

thy not?

Se The peonls of Utirik should be able to choose thelr ow eoctors

The veonle of Utirlk co rot lice Dr. Kmudcsen tecausa le does not
a yy
examino all of tho Utirik people,’ and looxs at the poovle 7% Utirik


os if they ore neroly oninals in a sclentific oxsperixent, ond Turtitr,

Ha Coes Not provide a "sick call?

b) “ha people of Utirik







Tor the peoole.s

ike Dr. Conard tecause he lies to ths

not heloed the peopla vw understand





sry ee



the propleny

— err “eo meme ee eee



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