

Fertilizers would elso be avolied to test vlots of pavaya, benane,
coconut, pandsnus fruit,and breaafruit to begin an assessment cf the eFrect
of fertilizers upor’ radionuclide uptake. Initial clean-up of litter on otner
plots would be started tc assess the possible interruption of tne recycling or
radionuclides. Soil samples will also be coilected rom these riots;
recycling of radionuclide is blocked, it wili be possible to determine the
effective removal time of the radionuclides from th
errestrial environment




Enewetek Atoll

Results for FY 1976 would include the harvesting of crops such as sauash,
arrowroot, paveve, banans, end sweet rotato and the direct measurement of
radionuclides in focad preducts. From tnece aata and from the ccentinuing analysis
of soil/soil- water data, we will be eble to establish concentration Tectcrs
for these food products. Effects of fertilicer cn the urteke of radicnuclides
will also be assessed. during tnis ristal year. In eadcivicn the erfect cP cleanbead procteaures, clesnusot littey ang mulching; with essentially clean vegetatian
from southern islands will be evelnsted tor these Paster-frowing crop srecies.
Tre clean-bed procedures and the use of fertilicers will be continued Tor

coccnut, pandanus, and breadrruit with expectation of results from these errors

in FY 1978.
Directly essences racicnuclide concentrations in feca products wili
be compared with those
used in the assessments in NVO-14C, 3 wnich were besed
upon concentrations peodicted trom correlaticn studies.


Experiments on test plots with fertilizers

end clean-up Procedures ror

ri11 be continued to evaluate the effect of asgriculturel vractices on the ur
or the recycling of redionuclices by plents. Sarnvles of vapeve “and banana will
continue to be collected to determine by Girect measurement the half-time of
31s and SOSr in the unaltereé environment.
Measurements of litter-fall and

litter-decay rates will be completed furing this fiseal year

Coconut should become available during this yeer; the essessments would
expand to include tnis significant food product.
Pandanus fruit end breadfruit

would of course be incluced if available. All data would be factored irto
continued assessments of tne rediolosical implication of develcrins various

food chains and egricultural practices end in the evalueticn of these scenarios

‘for immediate and long-term use of both Bikini and Enewetek.


4 Drying Ovens a $1500 each

2 Generators (5 kwe) a 1500 each

TLD's and Gi Probe




PY 1975
§ 6,000

FY 1976

FY 1977

1, ,000

$6, C90





_ 1,000



Select target paragraph3