The high incidence of thyroid abnormality in the
Marshallese emphasizes the caution with which
radiation must be used clinically, particularly in
A resurvey of the Rongelap people was completed in
March, 1966, since this paper was written, The data are not
analyzed, and only a preliminary statement can be made.
There were 5 newcases of thyroid nodules, all in children.
The increase was possibly related to inadequate thyroidhormonetreatment in some cases. However, some beneficial
effect of the treatment wus noted, since a nodule disappeared in | case, and there appears to have been increased
yrowth rate in some of the retarded children. It ts planned

to bring some of these patients to the United States for
further study and possibly surgery. The results of these
latest studies will be the subject of a further communication.
Surgery on Cases | through 3 was performed by Captain

C. A. Broaddus (MC), USN. (United States Naval Hospital,

Guam), and on Cases 4 through 6 by Dr. Bentley 2. Colcock
(Lahey Clinic). The pathological diagnoses were bx Dr. G.
H. Klinck (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) in Cases |

and 2, by Dr. H. A. Johnsop (Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory) in Case 3, and by Dr. W. A.
Meissner (New Enghind Deaconess Hospiutl), in Cases 4
through 6.

We are indebted to Drs. S. Warren, }. B. Stanbury, B. P.
Colcock, C. L. Dunham, V. P. Bond, H. D. Bruner, L. k.
Dahl J. E. Jesseph, H. Lb. Atkins, E. D. Henley and A.

Hicking for consultation und advice, to Drs. G. H. Klinck, S.

Lindsay, H. A. Johnson. W. A. Meissner. C. J. Stahl and LL.
V. Ackerman for pathological interpretation, to numerous
other thyroid experts with whom we have been in’ correspondence and to the United States Atomic Energy Com-

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Copyright, 1966, by the Massachusetts Medical Society
rinted in the

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