Essential to predicting potential contamination of ground water
is the determination of the water movement.

The most satisfactory

method of obtaining the necessary data for this prediction is by
drilling operations.

Although these are expensive operations they

are carried on extensively at the testing sites.

Air While the fallout material from atmospheric tests remains in the
air some will be inhaled and will irradiate the lungs.

This radiation

doS€ to the lungs normally is less than external exposure occurring
after the fallout has been deposited on the ground.

Also in general,

inhalation is only a minor contributor to the intake of fallout debris
into the body - ingestion is a much more important route.
The whole body will also receive some exposure from the penetrating gamma rays while the fallout is in the air, but this dose will
_ generally be small compared to the exposure that follows after the
debris is deposited on the ground.
Measurements of total fallout activity in air (called gross beta
counts) provide only a crude alert system - this is not a reliable
procedure for predicting the amount of fallout to be deposed nor the
amount of iodine-131 in milk!’-.

Because of the transitory nature of

the fallout debris remaining in the air (and sometimes because of the
particular choice of units used) what may sound like an alarmingly
high concentration may, in fact, result in only minor radiation doses.


Select target paragraph3