


Background Information -

Approximately 0.15 million curies (a "curie" corresponds to 2.2
million million disintegrations per minute) of iodine-131 are produced
for each kiloton TNI equivalent of energy released

by fission.


the total yield of the explosion is large enough, the iodine-131 along
with other radioactive materials is largely swept into the upper atmos-

phere (stratosphere) and, since iodine-131 has a half-life of only
eight days, a large part of it will decay before being deposited on the

On the other hand, iodine-13]1 that remains in the lower atmos-

phere (troposphere) will be deposited relatively quickly and can enter
the food chain.
Milk is the principal mode of entry of iodine-131 into the body
where it is selectively deposited in the thyroid gland.

The assumption

is usually made that 30 percent of iodine-131 ingested is deposited in
the thyroid no matter what the size of this organ may be 10...

Thus, an

infant's thyroid gland of about two grams weight would receive 10 times
more radiation dose than the 20 gram aduit's thyroid for the same amount
of fodine-131 ingested.

For this reason calculations of radiation doses

from iodine-131 for the general population are based on those for the
infant rather than the adult.
Direct measurements of iodine-131 in milk were not made around the
Nevada Test Site during earlier times of testing since it was the consensus of scientists within and outside the AEC and Government that



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