
Also, there were definite changes in levels of blood constituents for

months afterwards.

The Marshallese have been examined by a team of

physicians yearly and to the present time no statistical differences
have appeared between them and the “control” group for such factors
as birth and death rates, life-shortening,

leukemia, cataracts or

cardiovascular, arthritic, ophthalmic, or dental defects.


There may

be a suggestion of greater incidence of miscarriages and stillbirths
more recent data indicate that

and/there may be a lag in growth and development of the children, but
the paucity of vital statistics and the small number of persons involved
preclude a determination.


It was reported by the Japanese that some fishermen aboard a vessel
near by Pacific Proving Ground on the same date may have received a

higher exposure than the Marshallese’-.
September 23, 1954 from hepatitis.

One of these fishermen died on

(Hepititis is a condition not directly

attributable to radiation.)
The next highest whole body exposures occurred near the Nevada

Test Site.

The highest estimated exposure to any individual was 13-1/2

roentgens and the next highest 10-1/2 roentgens.

The highest estimated

exposure to any community was about 6 roentgens. There were about 30.
persons who received exposures between 6 and 10-1/2 roentgens.

All of

the above radiation doses are accumulated doses since the Nevada Test
Site opened in 19518-,
Having delineated the highest exposures (discussed above) it is
proper to discuss "average" exposures since these have relevance for

Select target paragraph3