
induced activity.

Although these materials emit only radiations with

which we are already familiar -+ gamma rays and beta particles -- it
appears at first glance to be almost an impossible task to consider
them individually and in the aggregate for an appraisal of their
health hazard.

Fortunately, for an analysis, most of the radio-

nuclides have short radioactive half-lives and soon decay away or

have other characteristics such as being highly insoluble so that

they are of little health consequence.

In fact, it is possible te-esti-

mate the radiation doses to various organs of the body by considering

only five principal radionuclides in fallout that are deposited internally, i.e., iodine-131, strontium-90, strontium-89, cesium-137 and


To these doses are added those to the whole body due to

the radiations from fallout material outside the body.

The problem

of estimating these latter radiation doses is again similified by conthen

sidering fits cesium-137 and/lumping all of the remainder radionuclides


Select target paragraph3