
Monthly Report
a. Production

Mr, Bloch reported on the progress of construction

of production facilities.

With regard to the problem of U-232 contamination in U-233, he said that a staff paper is being prepared
which will review the problems in U-233 production which

have been encountered thus far. (See AEC 706/11, subse-

quently circulated.) He observed, however, that these problems might result in a delay of perhaps a year in achieving
U~233 production,
Mr, Libby observed that the emergence of the U-232
contamination problem suggests that the development cf the

centrifuge process of isotopes separation should be accelerated and emphasizes the importance of the homogeneous

reactor whose continuous fuel processing system vould

largely eliminate contamination, General Fields said iat
new developments in DOD thinking on thermonuclear
weapons might result in less stringent requirements for
low g/t plutonium, with a consequent decrease in the

urgency of the U-233 program,

At this point the Chairman entered the meeting.
Mr, Bloch then reported on production rates of

fissionable material for February.
b. Military Application

General Fields reported on the progress of Operation
TEAPOT,. With regard to planning for future test operations
he said it now appears that the staff will recommend that
Operation DIXIE be combined with Operation REDWING, to

be held in the Pacific during the spring of 1956,

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