reposirony NARA - Col lise far kk. BOX No. (22. 409552 _Tb- 5! Secrttey COLLECTION RG.226 R (WN B-32 6-43 - 607} rouper 1 7/- 6 (y-7t 7\ Sands tere Vel. Pe June 25, 1948 : Rr. Heloon 3. Fry Ue Ee Atomle Mnergy Comdasion Vashington, Throught Te PRevUss/lw ie Mr. Halcolm £, Fitte, “ireetor C£flee of Administrative Coerntione Rear Kye ryt i would like to teke this cpportunity, upen completion of the 1942 stomlo weapon test vrogrem at Enivetok Atoll, to exprass my appreciation to you for the oututanding Joh you 44d as the ztomice “nergy Commission's revresentative in Havali. % Bavo heard immuserscble faversble coments on your esurteocua effiecienay, both fram Comeral Full's staff and from the offielel observers who passed threugh Newall, She detelled arrangements for housing ond for expeditious transportation of obscrvera required long hours of work amd could only have been secomplished by a man of your outetending ablldty ond personolity, The mecess of DaneAmorican charter operations was due in large pert to the agselatance you renderal that Company. Your perfornence of duty reflecte credit on you and on the Atomic <nergy Comission and was « significant contribution to the success of the vroof tests. it hea been a privilege to have you as a member of the Atemie anergy Comsaiseian's Oraving Ground Group, Sincerely yours, BEST COPY AVAILABLE a oS Bb fp ee aa a eeSe.“pst copiest Captain, 5oat Qirector =~ 1 - Addressee 2- Mr. Pitts a . : TE ea “ i ‘7 +7 pul i - Personnel File of Mr. Fey) |,ie v : . - Test Director Files. 5 - Roy B. Snappe———— 6 ~ Reader File Ok, fe et 7 7 - DMA Files res ny é Ae COPY FOR: ROY B. SNAPP