
Attachment A

February 12, 1970
Dear Doctor Tompkins:

I am enclosing a copy of the letter which Secretary Finch sent to
Senator Muskie regarding the testimony of Drs. Gofman and Tamplin.
You will note that the Secretary, as Chairman of the FRC, has recommended that the Council "institute a careful review and evaluation of
the relevant scientific information that has become available in the

past decade."'
It will be appreciated if you will undertake the necessary steps to

initiate this reevaluation along the lines recommended in the enclosed
Sincerely yours,
sgd---Jesse L. Steinfeld, M.D.

Surgeon General, USPHS

Dear Senator Muskie:

This is in reply to your letter of December 1 pertaining to the testimony

of Drs. Gofman and Tamplin for the hearings of the Subcommittee on

Air and Water Pollution on November 18.

Gofman and Tamplin, in reaching their conclusion that the Federal

Radiation Council guidelines should be ''reduced now to 0.017 rads or
even less,'' used an approach similar in principleto that used by

expert advisory groups (e.g., ICRP, NCRP, FRC) in developing
radiation protection standards and guidelines. This approach is based
on the assumption of a direct linear and non-threshold relationship

between dose and biological effect. In contrast to Drs. Gofman and
Tamplin, however, these expert groups generally agree that this approach
probably overestimates the risks, but is the prudent one to use in the

formulation of radiation protection guides.

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