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On the recommendation of the Working Group the FRC staff

requested the NAS Advisory Committee to the FRC to suggest how
the review of the basis for estimating risks associated with low levels
of radiation exposure could best be accomplished.

The committee

met March 25, and will probably submit recommendations along the

following lines:

Yhe review could best be accomplished by an expansion of the

present committee to include separate subcommittees on genetic
effects, somatic effects, environmental effects with special reference

to movement of radionuclides through the food chain, and how the
resulting information can be used within the concept of a benefit-risk

The review should be conducted according to the highest

standards of scientific inquiry over a period of about 2 years.

The discussion showed the committee's concern that if public

policy involving radiation is not to be made in a social vacuum there
is a need to have similar estimates of the potential biological costs

of other agents including chemical and chemical mutagens as these
might affect man and his environment.

However, the committee

recognized that their expertise did not encompass such a broad

Select target paragraph3