* 7 :



I was lucky. I lost only a box of Coca-cola and a box of outboard motor o1l.
Fortunately Doug had a box stored in the generatorshed, of which I used

a six-pack during the week, (Motor-oil, that is.)

They are low on water already, and the dry season just started, Our four
containers are full, and I think sooner or later we should release it
for the welfare of the people, The rains are hopefully back when we

arrive in April, but do some fast calculations on our needs and how much

you can carry, and then let us tell Nelson to cistribute what we can
spare from the stores there, And let us put up a container in each of
the remaining two corners of the tent, It is the best catchment in the villag
Liv is willing to come along and cook for us, That won't cost you anything
The condition is that Ernie will help her with the planning and the
supervision, She also will need some cleaning help, especially on Rongelap.
You may have problems with accomodations on board, and if you don't like
the idaa, let me know, But you can't get a better cook.
What kind of tape-recorder do you want? I have a good cassette-recorder
which I can use to pipe in msic anywhere.If that is what you intend
we shal] use that. If you need a reel-to-reel recorder I need more
specifications. I suggest we use mine, If we need a permanent installation
there is time to do it after we have tried how it works.
The following on Rongelap stopped taking thyroid as of this week:

The following


I don't know why we kept
on. Both Jobwe and I seemed to agree she
had been operated on, but that is not so? Maybe it is the gynecology
that confused us.
The following on Ebeye will be stopped tomorrow!

The following will continue:

I shall go to Majuro next week and take care of the rest.
I shall have to order drugs after all. Jormae on Bikini and Jobwe cleaned

me out. I shall mail you a list this week, \Vhat you cannot get in time
to ship, I shall order through the pharmacy here or from H-nolulu.
Tibas was out of dressing-—material. I had enough to help him through
March, You once offered him to go to Honolulu for evaluation and
possible orthopedic revision, If you can repeat this offer now, he
will take it. Tripler ought to take him as a chartty casa, they have
enough unused capacity to do it. He needs H 5 » phisohex, bacitracin

ointment, gauze( 2x2, Ax4, and rolls)’ and sehbetve tape. I shall buy


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