Your problem then, is to get a vehicle to the island, There is a tractor
left on the old dock, but I doubt that anybody could start it. There
are vehicles on Bikini isletz, but their LOM is,to quote Ziegler,
inoperative, so you would have to bring in your ow LYto transport
them across the lagoon.
and families have moved to Bikini and plan to spend the
next 5 years there,
is still on Ebeye, and will join
on the
next trip there. She is getting stronger, and the kids locked like they

needed some motherly love.



joined me on the trip across to Enui, or whatever is the name for
the islet with the airstrip. It was new year's Day. After the surveying
we prceede to the pass to do some trolling, but it was too rough. We
took one 50 lbs tuna for him to bring home and went straight back. I saw
later that everybody else was helping themselves to a part, so maybe I
should have paid him for the day after all, He could have made money
helping to offload the ship, and I figured that the tuna would be ample


Rongelap was a pleasure from the first day. Nelson is growing with job
as magistrate, I have never seen the village cleaner. I think at this
time if we brought in a dozen rakes and donated to the council they

would be put to good use.

The pigs have been constrained to pigsties

and you will no longer wake up in the night to oink of a sow with her

litter under the tent floor. Nelson has joined the church. No smiking

and drinking. They are in the’ process of passing an alcohol ordinance in
the council, applying to “domestic and foreign". New Year's night Banjo
had gone amoc and stoned the chuch during the service. Ask Bill about

the havoc Bolkain and George created when we were there in September,

and you will have sympathy for their efforts to curb it. Nelson said he
was not going to interfere with your happy hxour, but be prepared to
pass and enforce an ukas that we all abide by the rules as they might be
when we get there.
The new minister, Rev. Bwain, and his wife are nice and helpful people,

The steeple is finished on the church, but they need more va to
finish its decoration.

Yer bebo AL

One of the advantages of traveling back and forth in time as we crossigg
the datelines, is that you can pick a convenient day.. Remember Bill
Pochin who celebrated his 63rd, 64th, and 65th birthdays in two days


erassing back and forth from Majuro to Kwaj to Honolulu? last year for

inatance IT decided not to celebrate my birthday on the day they buried
This year we were idle on the,ogean, and opted for two thanksgivings
-tWo new yéars eves and
two silver wedding anniversaries/
the anniversaries I fook the afternoon off and took Liv
up to Eniaetak where Nelson and his wife had gone to do the laundry.
We took and a rainbow runner on the line on our way home. In the evening

we had a full moon, a becalmed seas; we were sitting outside the tent
with fish on the barbeque, at peace with the village and the world;
what more can you ask after 25 years?

The sidk-calls were busy. Having been rather criticalof Jobwe's performance



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