This phase will be limited to 300 EC-121 flight hours

including transits to and from the survey site.

Phase II of the survey will be accomplished by deploy-

ing the designated base support ship, USNS WHEELING


with embarked SH-3G helicopter detachment, technical and support
personnel to the Northern Marshall Islands.

The current plan is

to limit USNS WHEELING (TAGM-8) to 77 days on station and 57
days in transit including transits to port for logistics
replenishment and reprovisioning or some reasonable combination


While on station, a twelve-hour working day is agreed

to, recognizing the resulting additional overtime costs.


Radiological Survey as planned will be further limited to 556
total flight hours for the assigned SH-3G helicopters including

those flight hours provided for predeployment training, transporting personnel and equipment ashore and for other administrative purposes as required.

Upward adjustments to the fore-

going limitations amounting to over 10% will require formal
amendment of the MOA.


Appendix I is an overview of the three




B and C) of radiological missions that will constitute Phase II
of the survey.
complete survey

At Appendix II is a framework schedule for the
(Phases I and II).


DON, DOE and DOI resources

dedicated to the accomplishment of the Radiological Survey will

be organized into a Survey Task Group as follows:

Select target paragraph3