
As resources permit transects should be cut through all berms

and mounds on northern Runit.

Soil profile samples from such transects

should be taken to radiologically characterize the contents.

Soil profile

cuts below the original surface may be required in such transects. . This
effort must contribute to cleanup survey and certiiication as well as

Such work in the Cactus crater ejecta lip should be

done only as opportune to other necessary operations.

Major effort to

characterize this area should not be made until extent of entombment


It is recognized that soil sampling locations indicated on the

Runit data map are only approximate.
grid system are not available.


area is better defined.

Specific coordinates by the local

Locations shown on the Runit data map

are the best presently available and on-site location must be done by
scaling from the map.

Coordinate data available will be provided sepa-


CJTG must provide adequate priority for resources; logistics,

transportation and personnel, to ensure smooth operational continuity.

Priority should be second to Lojwa and Runit construction and equal to
other radiological cleanup operations.

Work schedules and immediate

zations concerned.


The Runit characterization efforts outlined in


above should be considered as a part of the beginning cleanup

Operation and given appropriate priority.

data acquisition resulting from



Target date for completion of

f above is 15 January 1978.

a etee oy

priorities must be set by CJTG in coordination with ERSP and other organi-—

Select target paragraph3