Soil profiling operations will be subject to continuing coordi-


nation between JTG and ERSP to ensure maximum usability of data obtained.
In general, a profile site depth of 120 cm will be sufficient.


conditions may dictate greater depth, particularly near Ground Zero
locations and berm or mound areas.

Soil sample depth increment should

be 20 em with a discrete 5 cm deep sample taken from each 20 cm increment.
Location of the 5 cm sample within the 20 cm increment to be coordinated
between JIG and ERSP.

Local conditions of interest may dictate additional

' samples or change of sample techniques.

Such changes are the prerogative

of CJTG in coordination with ERSP, subject to availability of resources.

Soil sample analysis should be done by first characterizing

samples by a gamma scan in the ERSP laboratory.

Samples which have very

high or very low levels of contamination,as shown by gamma scan, may be
set aside.

The intermediate level samples would require further analysis

by gross alpha count and by additional radio-chemical analysis of approximately five percent of these selected samples.

Variation of these proce-~

dures is the prerogative of CJTG in coordination with ERSP.

All samples

taken must be properly identified for possible future analysis in support
of certification.

Rumit characterization soil sample inputs to the ERSP laboratory

must be restricted in order to not interfere with other cleanup operations.
Daily sample input of 50 soil samples can probably be supported without

interfering with other operations.

Final adjustment is the subject of

coordination between JIG and ERSP.

Resources allocated to Runit characteri-

zation should be adjusted as necessary to maintain work flow without laboratory overload.

Select target paragraph3