
Mechanical Description
The instrument consists of two units, excluding recorders, the

“Top Hat" detector and the Control Box.

These are interconnected by

The "Top Hat" detector is housed in a 12" high by 8" diameter

aluminum cylinder;

closed at one end ty a welded plated and her-

metically sealed to an aluminum base plate at the other,

The "Sep

Hat" housing provides a hermetic seal *o prevent aiidity from
affecting the high impedance sections of the detector and amplifier

The phetomultiplier gain oentrols are Brought through the

base plate by sealed shafts.

The veltage ragulators for the

photomultipliers, the dynode voltage divider networks, and the
logarithmic amplifiers are within the housing with the unregulated
high voltage fed through the base plate through hermetic seal

The phosphor-photomultiplier assemblies are mounted

perpendicularly to the base plate over thinned eut sections

of the

plate (1/16" thickness to reduce attenuation Of rays being measured).
‘The phosphors are provided with 1" thick peripheral lead shields fy
minimize radiation effects should the plane become contaminated.
The shielding also provides the characteristic of Figure 9.


control circuit is mounted in a water tight box, on" wide by 7*

high by 34” deep.
The control box houses a high voltage vibrator supply, the batteries
and all controls with the exception of the photomultiplier tube

gain controls.

The controls that are used during a survey are mounted

on the cover of the

control box.

These are the RANGE switch, B PLUS

set adjustment, altitude compensation, SET and the MANUA] ALTITUDE contral.

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Select target paragraph3