of dosage, the accepted level has been set at three feet above the
The relationship between the intensity measured at the air-

craft and the three foot intensity is proportional to (over an
altitude range from 200 - 1000 ft.)s

I, * Ip= (See Figure 7)


I, * radiation intensity in airoraft
I, 2 radiation intensity at ground level

u, = Mnear absorption coefficient of air (2¢74)
X = altitude (ft)
Ip = Ty




¢ -i_



where fa = altitude correction factor

from (2) & (3), Ip = f, x I,


and Log 1, = log f, + log I,


from (3) f, =L - Etux


log f, = ux or log f, =X
Because the detector output is designed to provide a logarithmic
response, it is only necessary to add the log fe electrically to ob=

tain log Tee

Also — log f, is directly proportional to altitude

(equation 6) and thus may be derived from a radio altimeter.

It is not possible to maintain an aircraft in level flight
and the changes of # 50 feet which normally occur will create
large changes in the radiation reading,
- 13


Thus it is essential to

Select target paragraph3