second time constant and has a small standard air since the number
of contributing gamma ray photons absorbed in the phosphor is
lar ge.

The plastic type phosphor was selected for the following

reas Ons ¢

Its response to the gamma ray onergies, Figure 3, is
practically equivalent to that of air. The response
of a thallium activated sodium iodide phosphor which

is widely used for scintillation cowmters is included
for comparison,


It is based on organic scintillatars which have short
decay factors. Thus, there is little residual light
in the phosphor after incident radiation has been removed. Therefore, it is feasible to survey low intensity areas immediately after leaving a high intensity


The phosphor is strong and will not shatter from thermal
or mechanical shock.

With a given phosphor size the photomultiplier tube is limited
to the range over which it will operate without saturation,


fore, two phosphors and photomultiplier tubes were used to extend
the total range,

The low radiation level detector responds from

0,005 mr/hr to 100 mr/hr and the high radiation level detector
responds from 10 mr/hr to 200 r/hro
In a single flight line, the radiation intensity change may
Span several decades,

The D.C, amplifier was designed with a

logarithmic response to present a large dynamic range on a single

The logarithmic response of this instrument is achieved

by using the plate current-grid current characteristic of the
D.C. amplifier tubes,


The two detectors have an overall range,

IlaVine, H. D., “Logarithmic D.C. Ratemeters for Scintillation

Counters”, Nucleonics, - Feb, 1954, pp 36=39



Select target paragraph3