Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only
The following points are made in relation to the Radiation
Protection Guides herein provided:

For the individual in the population, the basic Guide for
annual whole body dose is 0.5 rem.

This Guide applies

when the individual whole bodydses are known.

Ags an

operational technique, where the individual whole body

population should be developed whose protection guide ~

ean 2


doses are not known, a suitable sample of the expased


for annual whole body dose wil! be 0.17 rem per capita ce}
per year.

It is emphasized that this is an operational

technique which should be modified to meet special


Considerations of population genetics impose a per capita
dose limitation for the gonads of 5 rems in 30 years,


operational mechanism described above for the annual

individual whole body dose of 0.5 rem ie likely in the
immediate future to assure that the gonadal exposure

Guide (5 rema in 50 years) is not exceeded.

These Guides do not differ substantially from certain
other recommendations such as those made by the Nationpl

Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements,
the National Academy of Sciences, and the International

Commission on Radiological Protection.

The term "maximum permissible dose" is used by the
National Committee on Radiation Protection INCRP) and

the International Commission on Radiological Protection

However, this term is often misunderstood.


words "maximum" and "permissible" both have unfortunate
connotations not intended by either the NCRP or the ICRP.

For Consideration

Select target paragraph3