
Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only

If one assumes a direct linear relation between biological
effect and the amount of dose, it then becomes possible to
relate very low dose to an assumed biological effect even

though it is not detectable.

It is generally agreed that the

effect that may actually occur will not exceed the amount
predicted by this assumption.

Basic Biological Assumptions
Because there are insufficient data to provide a firm basis for

especially because there is great uncertainty on the biological effects
at very low doses and low dose rates, it is prudent to use these
conservative assumptions in providing radiation protection guides.


There is no point below which exposure to radiation will
not have a biological effect.


There is a linear relation between biological effect and

the amount of radiation dose extending down to zero.
These assumptions are indeed conservative and somewhat

It is important that additional research be undertaken and

new data developed to provide a firmer basis for evaluating biological


Appropriate member agencies of the Federal Radiation Counci

are sponsoring and encouraging research in these areas.
It is recommended that:


There should not be any man-made radiation exposure without

the expectation of benefit resulting from such exposure.
Activities resulting in man-made radiation exposure should be
authorized for useful applications provided the recommendations
set forth herein are followed.

For Consideration

Select target paragraph3