
Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only
it is recommended that:


The Federal agencies apply these Radiation Protection Guiles with
judgment and discretion, to assure that reasonable probability is
achieved in the attainment of the desired goal of protecting]man
from the undesirable effects of radiation,

The Guides mal be

_ exceeded only after the Federal agency having jurisdiction over

the matter has carefully considered the reason for doing sq in
light of the recommendations in this paper.
The Radiation Protection Guides provide a general framew
the radiation protection requirements,

It is expected that each Flederal

agency, by virtue of its immediate knowledge of its operating protems,
will use these Guides as a basis upon which to develop detailed standards
tailored to meet its particular requirements.

The Council will follow

the activities of the Federal agencies in this area and will promotd


necessary coordination to achieve an effective Federal program.
if the foregoing recommendations are approved by you for the
guidance of Federal agencies in the conduct of their radiation protection
activities, it is further recommended that this memorandum be puplished
in the Federal Register,

Chairman, Federal Radiation Cqduncil

The recommendations numbered "1" through "7" contained|]in
the above memorandum are approved for the guidance of Federal
agencies, and the memorandum shall be published in the Federal


For Consideration

Select target paragraph3