
Site Location


The primary purpose of this site will be to provide terminal instru-

mentation coverage of re-entry vehicles (R/Vs) which would be launched
from VAFB.

These vehicles will approach the lagoon impact area from a

north easterly direction and will pass approximately 3 miles north of

Parry Island.

Therefore, it is desirable that the instrumentation

site have an unobstructed view as possible from 0° to 90° azimuth,
The proposed site on Parry Island is located approximately 500 ft.
south-east of the center of an existing 1250 ft. runway as shown in
Figures 2 and 3.

From this site, there is an unobstructed view from

approximately 16° to 200° inazimuth. The maximum obstruction in the
remaining area does not exceed Ao elevation and is probably less than

2° elevation over 90° of this area.

The various instrumentation

antennas which will be located on a line which has a bearing of


The instrumentation complex will be designed so that terminal area
coverage will be provided to the maximum capabilities of the system
with minimum interference between systems.

Select target paragraph3