
Site Selection


The kniwetok Atoll is composed of approximately 40 islands surrounding

an oval lagoon approximately 23 miles long by 18 miles wide, as shown in

Figure 1.

Three of these, Parry Island (ELMER), Eniwetok Island (FRED),

and kngebi Island (JANET), are suitable for use as a major instrumentation
site as far as the size and location cf the islands.

The remaining islands

are either too small or too difficult to support logistically.

The islands

west of the South Channel (Grinem, Libiron, Bogan, Buganegan, and Igurin)
are controlled by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and are not available
for the instrumentation complex,

Eniwetok Island is presently congested and sufficient area is not

available for the planned instrumentation complex.

Parry Island is located 3 miles from kniwetok Island, therefore the

support facilities presently available on Eniwetok can be utilized and
the personnel can be transported to and from Parry Island by water taxi.
Parry Island has a deep water pier, although the pier is presently in
need of repair.
17,000 tons.

The pier was capable of berthing ships as large as

Eniwetok does not presently have a deep water pier.


deep water pier would be required for logistics, and the off-loading
and on-loading of equipment.


Engebi Island is located approximately 20 miles from Eniwetok

Island and is presently abandoned.

The use of this island would

recuire the use of air taxi service or a build-up of personnel and
base support facilities on Engebi Island.

Parry Island is recommended for the instrumentation complex, due to

the advantages previously discussed.

The instrumentation plans presented

in this document are based on the use of Parry Island.

Select target paragraph3