down-range stations in FY-69 are an Advanced Trajectory Measurement
System and mobile telemetry.

The Advanced Trajectory Measurement

System is programmed from FY-69 thru FY-71 for the Mid-Pacific and
the down-range mobile telemetry frum FY-69 thru FY-70 for Down-range


Future Support Facilities
Future support facilities for the Eniwetok Atoll are programmed

in the current Military Construction Program (MCP) for funding from
FY 67 thru FY 70.

The following MCP items were submitted by the

AFWTR for Eniwetok; an Airmen Dormitory, Airmen Dining Hall, Water
Storage Tank, Dispensary, Administrative Office, Officers Quarters, and
a Deep Water Cargo Pier.

The Deep Water Cargo Pier would have been

for the Eniwetok Island.

A summary of the current MCP items are shown

in figure 6,


Select target paragraph3