and 1506, and pedestals for the telemetry and command control antennas;
the relocation of Buildings 1505 and 1506; and the recuired cable ducts,

utilities, etc.
The utilities will consist of adequate generator power, power control
panel, power distribution systems, lighting, water, etc.

The power system

will be separated into "Critical Power" and "Industrial Power",

The preliminary cost estimate for the proposed Terminal Instrumen-

tation Complex at the Kniwetok Atoll is $9.8 miiiion dollars.


C is the Secretary of Defense Memorandum for Secretaries of Army, Navy,

Air Force of 26 October 1962 on the National Range Program Planning and
Related Funding Policy.

This memorandum provides the guidelines for the

"program planning and the planning for related resources, including funds,
for National Missile Ranges, within the framework of applicable DoD
administrative procedures and those of the military departments."
Paragraph three on page C-2 states;

"When requirements for additional

range resources are generated subsequent to the normal programming and

budget preparation cycles (established for purposes of range user and
range planning, as one year before the beginning of the fiscal year in

which work must start to meet the requirement), the following guidance
will be applicable:
For new, amended, Incomplete, redirected or additional expression
of range requirements by a range user, the military department or other
agency sponsoring the test program shall be

responsible to arrange for

the necessary resources, including funds, to be made available to the

Range Management Service in accordance with established procedures."


Select target paragraph3